Welcome to the Business Office
The Business Office administers and manages Investments, Budgeting, Revenues, Accounts Payable, Payroll, Employee Benefits, Salary Schedules, Audits, Financial Compliance and Reporting, State and Federal Finance requirements, Audits, District Bonds and Indebtedness, and Grant Management and Reporting for the District.
Our office is committed to providing the best service possible in the most efficient and economical manner to the many who depend on us for resources and information. These include students, parents, employees, taxpayers and other governmental entities. The safeguarding, protection and preservation of District assets is always a top priority, but our primary role is providing the resources necessary for the best teaching and learning possible.
Please let us know if you have any budget or financial questions.
Beth Mattox
Chief Financial Officer
Kansas School District Audit Requirements
School districts in Kansas are required to comply with the Kansas Municipal Audit and Accounting Guide (KMAG), a regulatory basis of accounting. Annually each school district must have an independent audit that considers the following:
- Auditing Standards Generally Accepted in the USA
- Government Auditing Standards (Yellow Book)
- Single Audit of 1996 and OMB Circular A-133, and
- Generally Accepted Accounting Principles as might be applicable to the regulatory basis of accounting.